I work with great people! Harrison & Moberly is comprised of a team of talented, smart, and caring individuals. Most of our staff have been with us for decades. It’s an incredible place to work.
I was reminded of this fact this morning, when I found a pile of thick, extra-long scarfs knitted by our long-time legal assistant, Janice Collins. Janice – a knock out litigation assistant — told me she just has to keep busy in the evenings, and so knits away. She recruited H&M tax and estates lawyer, Fred Scott, to pass out these scarfs to homeless people on his daily walks to Court.
They did not want me to write about this. Their motivation to help others, in some small way, stay warmer in the cold weather months, was certainly not motivated by a desire for attention or recognition. But I couldn’t help but share this story. It’s another reminder that people are what make a work place and a law firm great. I am thankful to call Harrison & Moberly and its people my law firm family.